25 Best Dialogues From Black Mirror: A Netflix Classic You Must Not Miss

A British sci-fi series that will blow away your mind and you won’t want to use technology for a few days! It is set in a futuristic dystopian society where technology has advanced so much that they are manipulating humans and taking control of their lives. Those of you who have watched the show already know that after watching the series our world turns upside down for a few days! The show keeps you engaged with the bleak and dark story of how AI could make a TV show on my life and predict the future! Have a quick look at the 25 best dialogues from Black Mirror.

Also Read: 10 Best Episodes Of Black Mirror That Are Highly Rated

1. Life always throws up surprises…
“I wasn’t prepared for you, for wanting something”

2. Angry at boogeyman?
“It’s a lot easier to pull the trigger when you’re aiming at the boogeyman.”

3. Change is important…
“No matter how painful it is, we can’t change things. We can’t choose differently with hindsight.”

4. Read in between the lines…
“Not everything that isn’t true is a lie.”

5. Aiming higher isn’t a crime!
“Don’t sh**t on me for aiming higher.”

6. Is that so?
“I guess they were always like that underneath. Just needed the rules to change, for no-one to intervene.”

7. Losing control over your life is just the worst…
“You are just a puppet. You are not in control.”

8. You are the top bird!
“You are a top bird. I don’t know what that means, but I heard someone say it once and you’re it.”

9. Nice trick!
“I was trying to sing so no one could hear me pee.”

10. A harsh reality?
“The government’s a c**nt. We knew that already.”

11. So, no more debates on whether the Internet is a boon or bane?
“Pictures hang about on Google like a Gypsy fucking curse. There’s no cure for the Internet, you would never go away.”

12. Authenticity is a class apart!
“Authenticity is in woefully short supply.”

13. Might be useful…
“Well, I learned what it’s like to cohabit with someone I despise, is that useful for the system?”

14. The technology…
“I know there’s someone who’s controlling me.”

15. The one whose aim’s bad…
“His aim’s so bad he’s the only guy on earth who can shit his own pants and miss.”

16. A nightmare…
“I woke up in this house. I don’t even know if it is my house. I don’t even know who I am.”

17. Administrator…
“Don’t call me your administrator.”

18. The worst thing is…it’s real.
“People think it’s a happy game. It’s not a happy game. It’s a fucking nightmare world. And the worst thing is? It’s real and we live in it.”

19. It is accurate…
“Have you ever seen Tom and Jerry? It’s a whole lot more accurate than people would think.”

20. A reality check on society…
“People try so hard to look how they think they should look.”

21. Leave your phones behind and look up at the sky today…
“People don’t even look up anymore. The sky could turn…purple and you… wouldn’t notice for a month.”

22. No words are spoken, just the feeling is enough…
“You know when you meet someone and you just know.”

23. Honesty makes us more confident…
“It turned out a lot of my friends didn’t care for honesty. Treated me like I had taken a shit at their breakfast table. But Jesus Christ, it felt good.”

24. We’re too numb for it…
“Show us something real and free and beautiful. You couldn’t. It’ll break us. We’re too numb for it.”

25. People like acknowledgment…
“People want to be noticed. They don’t like to be shut out. It makes them feel invisible.”

So, which one was the best from the above list of 25 best dialogues from Black Mirror? And out of all the 6 seasons- which episodes were your favorite? I know ‘White Christmas’ is one of them, right?

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