10 Powerful Interstellar Quotes About Space, Human Race, Life & More


One of the most though-provoking movies of recent times, Interstellar is a cinematic masterpiece co-written and co-produced by Christopher Nolan. The movie is based around mankind’s search for a new home after the earth becomes unfit for living in distant future. While the Oscar-winning movie’s story, concept, visuals and performances has been critically acclaimed, Interstellar quotes about space, human race, life and more has also stuck hard to the audiences.

We bring you some of the most powerful Interstellar quotes

1. Love Is The One Thing That Transcends Time And Space.

2. We’ve Always Defined Ourselves By The Ability To Overcome The Impossible.

3. You’re Telling Me It Takes Two Numbers To Measure Your Own ASs But Only One To Measure My Son’s Future?

4. We Used To Look Up At The Sky And Wonder At Our Place In The Stars. Now, We Just Look Down And Worry About Our Place In The Dirt.

5. Mankind Was Born On Earth. It Was Never Meant To Die Here.


6. Once You’re A Parent, You’re The Ghost Of Your Children’s Future.

7. We’re still pioneers, we’ve barely begun. Our greatest accomplishments cannot be behind us, cause our destiny lies above us.

8. “Murphy’s law doesn’t mean that something bad will happen. What it means is whatever can happen, will happen.”

9. Absolute honesty isn’t always the most diplomatic nor the safest form of communication with emotional beings.

10. The end of the Earth will not be the end of us.

With current scientific advancements, study of outer space and discussions about the end of life on the earth some day in distant future, Interstellar is an amazing take and a sneak-peek into what the future of mankind could be one day. Mankind might someday leave the earth for some other planet and while earth would see its end, the human race wouldn’t!

Which of these Interstellar quotes hit you the hardest?

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