15 Quotes By Charles Dickens That Are Filled With Wisdom


A man who depicted the raw realities of the poor, the crippled and the deformed, through his writing he reminded us to be humane. A portrayal of a world with unimaginable tussles, Charles Dickens inspired the beginning of numerous reforms. One of the most influential authors from Britain, he had the courage to bring forth through his writing, ideas and concepts other authors of the same time avoided. A lesson set for generations to come, to stand up for the voiceless and to truly attempt to make a difference for what is right. Charles Dickens was a man filled with wisdom who wrote amazing clinical descriptions and developed homeless shelters to help women. He set an example of social responsibility that is an inspiration to the people of the world. Here are 15 quotes by Charles Dickens that are filled with wisdom.

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1. Laughter can open your soul, embrace it.

2. Giving is a small step in transforming the world. 

3. Be humane, be tolerant and be a cushion to those in vain. 

4. Tears are an outlet for a brighter path. 

5. Grasp your present before it consumes you. 

6. Don’t dwell on the past, forgiveness gives rise to a new perspective. 

7. Be a doer among a herd of braggers. 


8. The bridge between now and then is spent in anticipation of reunion. 

9. Experiences shape your personality and take your further. 

10. Be kind in silence and happiness in a guarantee. 

11. Your heart is the most effective guide. 

12. Your conviction and humor ia the key to take over the world. 

13. Faith guides you through the darkest phase of life. 

14. Anguish and sorrow truly build your strength.

15. Family is not just by blood but by those who would spill blood in an instant. 

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