15 Timeless Quotes from English Songs That Will Make You Think
Music is one of the few go-to companions that will never let you down. There’s a piece of music for every mood, and every thought you come across. Some songs can even define us for at least some parts of our lives – such is the power of music and lyric. No wonder we still resort to song lyrics when nothing comes to our mind for a caption to that Instagram post! On that note, here are some quotes from English songs that will stick with you.
Also read : 20 Most Popular English Songs of All Time That’ll Bless Your Ears
1. To begin with, the one and only band which defined our youth, and possibly that of the generation before us. That’s how powerful their music was.
2. A generation literally grew up humming this to their first crushes.
3. To dream of paradise…
4. The eternal cry of all our souls.
5. For we only value something once it’s no more with us..
6. And that’s the thought to keep one going in the darkest of days.
7. Taylor Swift and her songwriting skills. That’s it. No words needed.
8. That song which can still make us go weak in the knees… while screaming out the chorus!
9. This beautiful description of what love feels like.
10. Singing it out loud for that one person who sees you… “just the way you are”!
11. Can’t really get enough of this song now, can we?
12. The dark truth.
13. “Just because I’m hurting, doesn’t mean I’m hurt.”
14. This song has had a different meaning ever since 2017.
15. “Wake me up when it’s all over..”
We hope you loved these quotes from English songs that have our hearts. Comment and tell us about any song lyrics we missed out on!