Vitamins for children: excellent memory, good mood and cold-free winter


Even adults find it difficult to plan their diet in such a way as to get all the necessary vitamins and minerals along with food. And for children who often suffer from poor appetite or categorically refuse to eat healthy foods, it is almost impossible to replenish the daily requirement of vitamins – and then the best kids vitamins can help.

Pediatricians believe that it is enough for a child to eat a varied diet so that the body gets everything it needs. But, for example, in order to consume the right amount of vitamin A, a child will need to eat 400 grams of cottage cheese, the daily intake of vitamin C is contained in 100 grams of citrus fruits, and to meet the needs of the child’s body for vital omega-3, you will have to feed your son or daughter with fish every day and nuts. Of course, it is difficult or even impossible for parents to organize such a varied diet (for example, if a child has an allergic reaction to some of the healthy foods). Then good vitamins for children – prescribed by a doctor based on the results of tests – will only benefit.

Vitamins for children: features of choice

When choosing vitamins, pay attention to the composition – the useful substances contained in the preparation should be aimed at solving specific problems:

  • vitamin D is especially important during the period of active growth: for the prevention of rickets in babies under one year old, the formation of teeth and skeleton in infancy and adolescence;
  • B vitamins are necessary if you need to strengthen the nervous system of the child: they help get rid of fatigue, drowsiness or overexcitation, stimulate the brain and improve mood in general;
  • vitamin A is needed for good vision, improving the condition of the skin and teeth, strengthening the immune system;
  • vitamin C helps in the prevention of diseases during the cold season;
  • vitamin E is necessary for damage to the mucous membranes, problems with digestion and respiratory organs, to strengthen the muscular corset;
  • iron will help maintain normal hemoglobin levels;
  • magnesium will remove fatigue and increased anxiety;
  • Zinc is needed to normalize digestion, healthy hair and nails.

Popular questions from parents about children’s vitamins

Questions about vitamins that parents ask especially often:

At what age should children be given vitamins?

Vitamins in the form of drops can be given to a baby from the first days of life as prescribed by a doctor.

Is the natural composition of vitamins important?

It is desirable that the composition of the selected product is as natural as possible. In the middle price category, semi-synthetic vitamins predominate – they are well absorbed and rarely provoke allergies. The body absorbs completely natural vitamins perfectly, but such drugs are expensive and difficult to find on sale. Fully synthetic drugs have a low price, but they are absorbed by the body for a long time.

Does my child need to take vitamin and mineral complexes constantly?

No, it is enough to drink vitamins in a course according to the instructions for the drug no more than two courses a year. It is best to take vitamins during the off-season: spring and autumn.

What vitamins are especially important for the development of the child?


Most often, children have a deficiency of vitamins C and group B – it is desirable that these vitamins be part of the selected remedy. Vitamins A, D, E can be obtained in sufficient quantities, simply by adjusting the nutrition of the child.

How to understand that a child lacks vitamins and which ones?

Iodine deficiency in the body is indicated by the low mental development of the child.

Cracks in the corners of the mouth, “zays”, oily skin are signs of a lack of B vitamins (B2 or B6) in the body.

Seborrhea (skin disease, peeling) indicates a lack of B2.

Brittle nails with white horizontal stripes and “night blindness” (visual impairment in the evening) appear with vitamin A deficiency.

If you suspect hypovitaminosis in a child, parents should consult a doctor and take the appropriate tests to find out exactly which substances are missing in the body. A competent specialist will help you choose the right vitamin complex.

When is the right time to take vitamins?

The optimal time for taking vitamin complexes is the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, early spring. During these periods, the body is least saturated with the necessary substances. Do not take vitamins in summer and early autumn.

The prophylactic course lasts 1-2 months. Then it is recommended to take a break – from 3 to 6 months.

Which complex to choose so that the child does not have allergies?

If the child is prone to allergic reactions, choose supplements, the instructions for which indicate that the drug contains only components that are compatible with each other.

Reasonable caution is always appropriate when it comes to children’s health. Before choosing a package with vitamins, try to consult a pediatrician and carefully monitor possible changes in the child’s condition.

And may your children always be healthy!

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