The most popular Q&A platform on the web, Quora is a store-house of personal experiences, detailed insights about little known things and witty answers to the weirdest of questions.
We have handpicked a few of the most witty replies on Quora you shouldn’t miss reading.
1. The one still in ‘Love’
2. The Solution is simple
3. That can be a live saver
4. A hard fact!
5. That happens only in India
6. Bro! Thinks of your others bros
7. True Story
8. This one was my favorite
9. And this one is the wittiest
10. That’s an apt example
11. Young boys don’t know what’s worse
12. That’s India for you!
13. Rightly explained
14. Got the reason!
15. Men with brains love women with brains
16. That would give some serious burn
17. Absolutely right!
18. India Parents, Pay Attention!
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