19 Indian Railway Stations With Weird Names That Will Make You Laugh


I have often traveled by train to a lot of places and those small station names are more interesting to watch than anything else— one of those station names that I often found on my way and found funny was- Sukhi Sewaniya! And, so, India is not for beginners— we have already established this fact! However, not many know that many silly things about this place are still hidden. And, since we have discovered a few of them- we want to share those with you. Our ancestors sure had a funny bone— because these station names are so bizarre that one can’t help but get amused and ponder what they all discussed before deciding! So, here are some of the Indian railway stations with weird names.

Also Read: 15 Funniest Indian Shop Names That We All Want To Visit Once

1. They love all things green and smelly!

2. Patthar ke sanam…

3. It’s a really fast-forward town…

4. All Divine fans assemble here every weekend…

5. Gaali dene ka tarika thoda cazual hai…

6. Now you know which platform ticket to take when going to ‘Nana ke ghar’…

7. It is a very friendly village…

8. Probably the town was established by a proud father…

9. The official place where you can do ‘illoo illoo’ without offending anybody…


10. ‘Deewana mera naam rakh diyaaaa’, the lyrics got the inspiration for the song after visiting this station!

11. Some chicha wanted to name this station!

12. Because only men are left in this village (is it?)

13. Ever since the lion visited their place…they found a creative name for their village!

14. Black goat is feeling offensive…

15. I think I have heard this one (have you too?)

16. I certainly would be looking for bulls and buffalos after entering this village…

17. cats have finally found their own kingdom!

18. Are they trying to pull a tongue twister?

19. So we can go to Singapore by train now?

I am sure these are just a few names in thousands of more such stations. So, next time you are going on a train journey- don’t forget to look out and have a look at the names of railway stations.

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