Apple organized its ‘Wonderlust’ overnight launch event recently in the US. The CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, announced the launch of the iPhone 15 while also explaining the features of the newly launched Apple smartphone. As usual, the Twitterati was quick to react and post funny memes about the iPhone 15 – and honestly, our desi crowd loved and found all these memes relatable AF (me included!). Some of the best iPhone 15 memes are becoming as popular as the iPhone itself (JK)!
What bewildered most people was the soaring price of the new iPhone 15 Pro Max, with only a few changes here and there. Apparently, the iPhone 15 has increased by INR 5,000, and the Pro Max by 20,000 in India! But as you know, iPhone fans are ready to switch to the new version no matter what! And while some are busy buying the iPhone 15, let’s check out the 20 Best iPhone 15 memes for a good laugh.
1. Let’s fast for a year and save up our salaries to get that shiny gadget called iPhone 15, what say?
2. Par Abba nahi manenge!
3. When selling your kidney is the only option…
4. No matter how knowledgeable- this question seems out of the syllabus for them too!
5. Not much has changed except for the price!
6. Your purse can scold you before your mom does!
7. Let’s gossip on our favorite topic, ‘Apple’!
8. Starts playing *maula mere le le meri jaan*
9. Binod is also dying with laughter!
10. Redmi users have left all the ‘Moh Maya’ behind!
11. Thinking of buying an iPhone 15 in exchange for your lifetime of savings?
12. They are blinded by the shine of ‘Apple’
Tim Cook: *introduces USB type C in #AppleEvent *
Apple fans:
— Akash (@vaderakash) September 12, 2023
13. We don’t overuse the term AI…
14. Can’t keep calm for long!
15. iPhone 8 does not want to exist in a world where the iPhone 15 is taking its place…
my iPhone 8 when apples announces the iPhone 15 #AppleEvent #Apple #iPhone15 #iPhone
— cesar (@jebaiting) September 12, 2023
16. Paisa hi paisa hoga!
Tim Cook dances, celebrates after he repackages 10 year old technology in #iphone15, calls it USB-C innovation.
He knows he’s gonna sell million of these every day $1199 apiece. #AppleEvent
— Emini Tic (@TicTocTick) September 12, 2023
17. Soch nayi….Rishta wahi with all the iPhone fans…
Cheej Wahi magar ek naye ehsaas mai😛😛😂@Apple #AppleEvent #AppleEvent2023 #iPhone15 #Sarcasm #meme #fun
— Vivek Chaudhary (@VChaudhary88) September 12, 2023
18. Yes, it indeed is!
19. That is one ‘Pro Max’ reason to celebrate the launch!
iPhone 15 is 1 gram lighter then iPhone 14. #Apple #AppleEvent
— eriktenhags11 (@mufconn) September 12, 2023
20. UP police is ahead of all the memers and social media influencers!
So, are you also burning your whole pocket and selling your property to buy an iPhone 15, or do you prefer to read more best iPhone 15 memes? Tell us your views in the comments.
Also read: 15 Most Interesting Facts About iPhones