Hard Hitting Posters That Reveal The Hypocrisy In Our Society: Part 2


Whether it is worshiping Goddesses while denying education to girls, calling all children equal when denying their daughters property rights, or sharing Facebook posts condemning child labor while getting their houses cleaned by underage cleaners, hypocrisy is so ingrained in our society that it seems unavoidable.

Also read: Hard Hitting Posters That Reveal The Hypocrisy In Our Society: Part 1

After the first series on Hypocrisy, we’re back in collaboration with The Logical Indian with our second series of posters about the Hypocrisy prevalent in our society.

1. Protecting the environment by changing profile pictures on Facebook


2. It’s okay if a woman says it, but a bane when a man says it. 


3. Laws differ for celebrities.


4.  Same issue but different opinions for different people



5. Accepting the outsiders is so hard for us.


6. Following the trend on social media but contradicting it in real life.


7. Deep rooted evils that plague marriage


8. Biased media


Whether it is our blindness towards these double standards or that we’re so used to them by now that we don’t even recognize them, is up for debate.

So, let’s contemplate, think and change! 

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