Netflix Ends Password Sharing in India, Limits Usage of a Single Account To Only One Household


Are you a person who uses your friend’s of friend’s of friend’s Netflix account? Then your binge-watching days are over since Netflix has now decided to put an end to this practice.

Official Statement

“A Netflix account is for use by one household. Everyone living in that household can use Netflix wherever they are — at home, on the go, on holiday — and take advantage of new features like Transfer Profile and Manage Access and Devices” reads the Netflix statement.

What does this mean for users?

Netflix’s new policy of the account being used by only one household means you cannot share the account with anyone other than people using the same internet connection. This is rather contradictory as the statement also says that people can use it on vacations. How is Netflix going to implement this though? Keeping track of IP addresses? That’s only Netflix can say now.

No paid sharing

Another sad news for Indians is that you cannot pay for an additional account. Why?  Because, according to Netflix, it has recently slashed prices in India and this restricts them to add a feature like paid sharing here. Prices for a basic plan were reduced from Rs.199 to Rs.149 with advertisement. According to reports the ad revenue for Netflix is not much and thus it cannot sustain its revenue model based on just ads.

Will it work in India?


With so many streaming platforms, it is unsure how would Indians take this as they have other options. But the fact is Indians are now hooked to this streaming medium, they might be ready to pay extra. Only time can tell.

This update has sparked reactions from netizens, leading to the creation of amusing memes by some of them.

What’s your and your friends’ reaction to this Netflix password-sharing ban? Tell us in the comments! Till then complete all the series you had before your Netflix is taken away from you.

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