21 Best Hindi Motivational Quotes For When You’re Feeling Low


No matter how bad we want things to get done smoothly, life is never a journey without its own share of hiccups. We fumble, we stumble, and we fall. What matters after that is whether or not we rise above all that obstructs our path. And, to ensure that you do rise right back up, sometimes what you need is a voice other than the one in your head to tell you that you got this! So, if you haven’t quite been feeling like yourself, or know someone who hasn’t, we are here with just what you need. Read on to find some of the best Hindi motivational quotes that will boost you enough to help you go that extra mile.

Also read : 10 Best Indian Motivational Speakers You Can Listen On YouTube

1. As they say, you know you are on the right path when you have people going against you. 

2. Learn to lean on your own self. 

3. Taking responsibility for one’s own decisions is the first step towards being at peace. 

4. Swimming against the tide is a different kind of high. 

5. So, take the leap. 

6. Rage against all storms. 

7. Let others not be the only reason behind YOUR troubles. 

8. Be up on your feet, at all times. 

9. All you need is an iron will. 

10. After all, struggles have their own lessons to teach you. 


11. Learn to love, and live with yourself. 

12. If everything sails smoothly, you never really get to test yourself, to know yourself better. 

13. Give yourself the push you have been waiting to get, for ages. 

14. Get back stronger. 

15. That’s your sign to get going! 

16. What matters is your will, and nothing else.

17. The best geniuses are the craziest ones. 

18. What you need to tell yourself after every setback, is this. 

19. Don’t let others stop you! 

20. The reality of life – it moves in crests and troughs. 

21. The power to make things happen? You carry it in your own two hands. 

We hope this article helps you get through the day! Remember, you are always stronger than whatever challenges life throws at you. That was all, giving you some of the best Hindi motivational quotes we could find! Let us know your thoughts in the comments.


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