How to pick the right golf club?


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Golf club selection is very important if you want to improve your game. The wrong club can make the game much harder than it needs to be. Also, the right club will help you hit the ball straighter and farther. 

Here are a few tips on how to select the right golf club:

-The first thing you need to do is to know your swing speed. You can ask a professional or use a launch monitor to measure your swing speed. Also, you need to know your clubhead speed.

-The second thing you need to do is to find the right shaft flex for your swing. If you have a slow swing speed, you will need a shaft with more flex. If you have a fast swing speed, you will need a shaft with less flex.

-Third, you need to find the right loft for your clubs. If you hit the ball high, you will need a club with more loft. If you hit the ball low, you will need a club with less loft.


-Fourth, you need to find the right length for your clubs. If you are taller, you will need a longer club. If you are shorter, you will need a shorter club.

-You need to find the right grip size for your clubs. If you have large hands, you will need a larger grip. If you have small hands, you will need a smaller grip.

-You can also ask a professional fitter to help you select the right golf gear and clubs. A professional fitter will take into account your swing speed, clubhead speed, shaft flex, loft, length, and grip size to help you select the right clubs for your game.

Picking the right golf club is an important part of improving your game. The wrong club can make the game much harder than it needs to be.

-The last thing you need to do is to select the right clubhead. The clubhead is the part of the club that makes contact with the ball. There are many different types of clubheads, so you need to select the one that is right for your swing.

-Once you have the right club, you need to practice with it. Practice makes perfect. The more you practice, the better you will become at golf. 

10 things you should never do with your golf clubs

  1. Don’t use your clubs to hit rocks or other hard objects. This can damage the club head and shaft. So, if you accidentally hit a rock, don’t try to fix it by hitting the rock again with your club!

  2. Don’t use your clubs as weapons. Golf clubs are not meant to be used as weapons, so don’t use them as such.

  3. Don’t store your clubs in hot or humid conditions. This can damage the club heads and shafts.

  4. Don’t store your clubs in direct sunlight. The ultraviolet rays from the sun can damage the grip, club head, and shaft.

  5. Don’t try to change the loft of your clubs. The loft is the angle between the face of the club and the ground. It’s best to leave the loft alone and just focus on your swing.

  6. Don’t use your clubs to dig holes. This can damage the club head and shaft. If you need to dig a hole, use a shovel instead.

  7. Don’t put your clubs in the trunk of your car. The extreme temperatures in the trunk can damage the club heads and shafts.

  8. Don’t use your clubs as walking sticks. This puts unnecessary stress on the club head and shaft, which can damage them.

  9. Don’t use your clubs to play fetch with your dog. The impact of the club hitting the ground can damage the club head and shaft.

  10. Don’t use your clubs as a prop in your selfie. This can damage the club head and shaft. So, resist the urge to take that selfie with your clubs and just enjoy the game!

We hope you found these tips helpful. Remember, taking care of your golf clubs can help them last longer and perform better. So, don’t abuse them and treat them with the respect they deserve!

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