8 Inspiring Quotes by Indian Entrepreneurs Of Today


The past few years has been the year of Indian Entrepreneurs and start-ups. Brands like Zomato, Ola and Oyo have become a part of our everyday lives. The world of internet and online media needed a nw generation of companies ad brand that needed to live up to the expectations and requirements of this tech savvy and digital audience and many Indian entrepreneurs have live upto this expectation. The quotes by Indian Entrepreneurs and start up founders give us an insight into the vision of these new age businesses today.

We bring you the best quotes by Indian entrepreneurs.

1. “The core of any business is to earn money. You have not done your job well until you find a stranger who is willing to open his/her wallet to give you money for the service/products that you are offering.” – Sachin and Binny Bansal, Flipkart

2. “Go out and start up. It is the hardest thing to do. For me it was very hard. When I started, my parents thought I was going to become a travel agent. It was very hard to convince them that I was not.” – Bhavish Aggarwal, Ola

3. “Scale is important for a startup. Think big, but take one day at a time.” – Kunal Bahl, Snapdeal

4. “It is extremely important to build something that a 100 people absolutely love using rather than make something that a 1000 people would just, kind of, like.” – Ritesh Agarwal, OYO Rooms


5. “The goal has never been about being an entrepreneur or starting a company. It has always been about solving a problem we deeply care about.” – Shashank ND, Practo

6. “The fundamental model of our business is that in mature markets we should make profits and they shouldn’t need any more outside money to grow.” – Deepinder Goyal, Zomato

7. “If you fully accept the worst that can ever happen in your journey, fear won’t ever be an obstacle in starting-up.” – Kunal Shah, FreeCharge

8. “Entrepreneurship is all about how confident you are in changing something, because most of the people will not accept that change so go ahead and learn it.” – Naveen Tewari, InMobi

The stories of these founders and entrepreneurs have been an inspiration of millions of youth in the country who dare to dream big. We hope that the next Google, Facebook or YouTube comes from an Indian entrepreneur.

Do you know any more interesting and insightful quotes by Indian Entrepreneurs? Do let us know and we will add it to this article.

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