Key Vitamins to Improve Your Mood 


Women are more likely than men to experience mood swings. As a rule, hormonal disruptions are the cause of irritability and tearfulness. However, the emotional background can change not only because of hormones. Vitamins, macro- and microelements play an equally important role.

Have you been feeling down for a long time? No desire to do something? Can’t get over the blues? Find out which vitamins are good for your mood and how to get them.

List of useful substances

To maintain vitality and good mood, the female body needs the following elements:

  • C – one of the most powerful antioxidants, helps to cope with stress and increases efficiency;
  • B1 – provides a charge of vivacity, protects against overwork during increased loads;
  • B6 – considered a safe antidepressant, promotes the production of serotonin – the hormone of happiness;
  • B10 – replenishes the supply of strength and energy, eliminates fatigue and prevents fatigue;
  • zinc – strengthens the immune system, maintains a good mood;
  • iodine – helps to maintain a normal emotional background during mental and physical stress.

These substances perform many important functions, including directly affecting mood. It is necessary to satisfy the body’s need for them in order to maintain a positive attitude and cheerfulness in any situation.

Sources of valuable elements

Vitamins that affect mood can be obtained from food. They are rich:

  • fruits – bananas, apricots, oranges;
  • vegetables – carrots, beets, tomatoes, cabbage;
  • greens – spinach, cilantro, parsley;
  • legumes – beans, lentils, chickpeas;
  • nuts – walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios. 

To improve mood and tone, you can purchase the nutralife complex.

Vitamins and minerals help a person cope with a depressive situation, improve mood, so you should definitely include in the diet various useful substances that the body needs so much. They can be both in various foods, vegetables, fruits, and in special preparations that are sold in pharmacies.

Fruits and vegetables that help lift your spirits

Men, just like women, sometimes have difficult periods in their lives, because of which their mood deteriorates. The reason can be not only bad news, most often, mood swings are due to an excess of nutrients. Vitamins and minerals are ways to get rid of depression, help to cope with a bad mood. In order for the body to work well, special attention is paid to vegetables and fruits, which should be consumed daily.

Biotin must be supplied to the human body, because of its lack, mood can deteriorate sharply, there may be problems with sleep, irascibility, and poor health. Be sure to add vegetables and fruits, as well as medications, which include it. Doctors advise to use it for 5 weeks. Pyridoxine, this substance is necessary in order to produce serotonin, the hormone of happiness.

Thanks to this substance, brain function, mood and well-being improve. Also, it is believed that a lack of serotonin can cause headaches. This hormone ensures the normal functioning of blood vessels, copes well with stressful situations, and can provide a good mood.

Vitamins and minerals to help lift your mood

Vitamin B12

Helps a person to improve well-being, helps with stressful situations, helps with nervous breakdowns. Folic acid Due to its excess, a person’s mood can deteriorate at any moment, depression begins, a person becomes very quick-tempered.

Folic acid

Helps improve the production of serotonin, the happy hormone. Doctors advise in the diet to eat vegetables and fruits daily, which include these vitamins.



If there is a lack of this vitamin in the human body, depression, anemia can begin. Ferrous sulfate with ascorbic acid improves mood, improves brain function. Vitamin C and fatty acids, their excess leads not only to poor health, but can also cause a depressive state, possibly a mental disorder, sleep disturbances and collagen synthesis.

Vitamin D3, B, can also elevate mood. A person should pay special attention to fish, currants, bananas, dark chocolate, apples, melon, watermelon. There are a huge number of vitamins, thanks to which you can cheer up and saturate the body with useful substances.

Mood Uplifting Products

Fruits and vegetables of bright colors

As noted above, bright-colored vegetables and fruits always contain a huge amount of substances that promote the synthesis of serotonin. They are especially rich in vitamins. Therefore, include beets, citrus fruits, pumpkins, peaches, apricots, peppers, carrots in your diet. Vitamins, amino acids and trace elements that are part of them will help the formation of the hormone of happiness.


Despite the fact that bananas cannot be attributed to fruits that have a bright color, they still help to improve mood. The fact is that they contain harman. This rather rare alkaloid causes euphoria. In addition, bananas contain a lot of vitamin B6, without which serotonin will not be produced.


This product not only promotes the synthesis of the hormone of happiness, but also reduces nervous tension. Agree, there can be no question of any joy if a person is under stress. And nuts help to remove it, because they contain monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, which have a calming effect on our body.


Fish, especially fatty fish, is one of the most beneficial foods in terms of improving serotonin synthesis. It contains a lot of vitamins D and B6, as well as acids necessary for our body.


There are also a lot of vitamins and fatty acids (they are also called natural antidepressants) in good cheeses. In addition, this dairy product has a lot of tryptophan, and, as you know, it has the ability to relieve stress and reduce nervous tension. Eating cheese for dinner a few hours before rest contributes to a good, restful sleep, which in itself is the key to health and good mood.


This product contains a lot of magnesium. This microelement has a relaxing effect on muscle tissue and even eliminates cramps. Well, when the body is relaxed and the metabolism is adjusted, our mood automatically improves.

Cocoa and chocolate

Products based on cocoa beans have long been known as excellent antidepressants. The invigorating effect of chocolate and cocoa is due to the presence of tryptophan and caffeine in these products. The first relieves tension and stress, the second – gives energy.


The most common eggs are a good source of vitamins A, B, E, D, as well as some fatty acids useful for the body.

We should also not forget that some foods have the opposite effect, that is, they worsen our mood. For example, alcohol, tobacco and confectionery. They only give us euphoria for a short time, but the consequences are much more sad and lasting. Therefore, try not to abuse such products.

Eat the right foods for a good mood and be happy!

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