15 Memes on Friends To Send Them and Laugh Out Loud Together!


“I’ll be there for you…”, how many times have you heard this line from the title track of the popular sitcom Friends? Well, your answer could differ but the feeling of having a best buddy or a group of close friends is universal. Having a friend is a blessing in disguise! Yup, and a true friend could fight, play, have fun, and also make you laugh when the times are tough. So, don’t wait until the friendship day to express your love and gratitude towards your besties. Start with small gestures like sending memes on friends!

Also Read: 15 Funny Memes About Work To Share With Your Colleagues!

And as Paulon Coelho said once, Friendship isn’t a big thing—it’s a million little things. Let that funny friendship meme be one of those million little things. And to help you with that or to remind your BFF of your presence, we have compiled some of the best memes on friends. Check out these 15 memes on Friends to send them!

1. When you have a friend with whom you can share all your true feelings…

2. That weird stranger who is now your BFF!

3. The two of us shine like no one else!

4. It is your birthright to get angry on that matter!

5. Jinx! Let’s high-five now that good luck is on our side.

6. When you and your best buddy laugh and throw pun(ches) at each other!

7.  Bring out that multi-tasker to prove that you are a good friend!


8. Never give up on your friends!

9. That friend is precious…isn’t it?

10. Of course our friends are our partners in crime!

11. It is between the two of us only…

12. Treating your even month older friend with utmost respect is a must (IYKYK)

13. The Boys (and that meme worthy tune plays in my head again!)

14. Friends who cry together, stay together- that’s the saying?

15. That one friend who does not stop before sending a dozen memes!

Read all of the memes on friends and share the whole list with your friends. Do that now!

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